Safeguarding | Child Protection
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility at Young Life International.
We take continual steps to foster a culture where young people are kept safe - that’s the wholehearted aim of the Trustees, UK Director, senior field and operational leadership. We are committed to safeguarding the welfare of all those under our care and protecting them from abuse – this is primarily young people, but also includes children and adults at risk.
Our Safeguarding Culture
We urge anyone who has suffered abuse to speak to someone who they trust. We don’t underestimate the courage it takes to speak up about profound hurt in your life, so if you choose to speak to one of our staff or volunteers in this way, be assured that we will listen, handle what you tell us sensitively, and act according to statutory protocols to ensure that you can get the best possible help.
How our Staff and Volunteers can contact our Safeguarding Team
If it's a fresh concern, existing situation or urgent query
Call the Safeguarding Team
From the UK: +44 1992 924613
From ROI: +353 45 245 951
If it's an emergency and we are unavailable
If a young person is at risk of immediate harm and you have not been able to reach our Safeguarding Team.
Call the emergency services on 999, who will initiate a social services referral if relevant.
If it's a non-urgent query
Send an email to the Safeguarding Team.
We will aim to get back to you within the next working day.
Email safeguarding Team
We encourage a growing culture where:
Everyone takes responsibility for keeping young people safe.
We safeguard children with excellence, as the best possible backdrop within which to communicate, demonstrate and live out an authentic witness to the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.
We promote the safety of young people as well as taking steps to prevent them from experiencing harm.
Children are listened to, respected and where the Child Protection Officer (CPO) is swiftly informed of any disclosures and observations of harm or potential harm to a young person.
Best practice principles are known, understood and applied within new and changing situations, rather than being conceptualized as a narrow set of rules that are learned by rote and not by heart.
Local staff and leaders are empowered into becoming the experts in keeping safe the young people under their care.
Best practice on the ground is considered as a team, using the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (CPS Policy) as a baseline starting point and a helping hand.
Child safety considerations form a natural part of leadership meetings, event planning and informal conversations.
There is accountability through our line management structure so that the CPS Policy can be effectively implemented ongoingly at a local level.
Full communication with the CPO and line management occurs in response to any situation where child safety may be compromised.
Our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (CPS)
Our Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy (CPS) is regularly and reviewed periodically by our trustees. It has been reviewed by ThirtyOne:Eight safeguarding consultants and incorporates their 10 Safeguarding Standards.
Click here to see what the CPS Policy covers
Safer Recruitment
Training & Accountability of staff & volunteers
How to respond to harmful situations & disclosures
Ministry practice guidelines
Electronic communications
Health & safety and risk assessments
Serving young people with additional needs
Driving young people
Serving adults at risk
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Our Safeguarding Team
Benedict Sutton
Executive Safeguarding Officer
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Benedict has served as CPO since 2012 and holds overall responsibility for safeguarding at an operational level, reporting to the board. He supervises the safeguarding function and brings leadership across YLI’s operational services so that our systems and policies help our field teams engage with even more young people. When he’s not writing policies you might find him with a viola under his shoulder or sitting on a piano stool.
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Denise Garrell
Designated Safeguarding Lead
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Denise serves as the primary focal point for coordinating responses to child protection disclosures, and has served as DCPO since 2014. She advises local ministries on policy matters, assists with safeguarding training and coordinates DBS and Garda checks. In her spare time, Denise enjoys film and theatre, reading, traveling and sports.